The neighborhood Muscovy duck nested next to our front porch. She laid about 5 eggs and then a week later laid 11 more. A couple of days after that, she was killed by a raccoon or coyote. The eggs were unattended for about 48 hours until I found the mother's carcass and realized what had happened. There has been no sign of her mate either. The temperature stayed fairly warm, only getting down to about 80 at night and 90 during the day. At the advice of an experienced friend, I placed them in a box with rags and nest remnants. I have them under a lamp and spritz them with a little bit of water to keep them warm and moist. I have read that it will take about 35 days for Muscovy duck eggs to hatch and that I should turn them every day until it is time for them to hatch. However, I wanted to verify these suggestions and see if anyone had any other advice for me. I know it's a long shot to save these eggs, but it's worth a try.
As for candling the eggs to see if they're still viable, is there a proper procedure? What do I check for besides movement?
Also, what should I feed the ducklings if they survive?