
What do I do with all these toys!??!?

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I have 2 kids and a very tiny house. They each have a huge toy chest. Right before last Christmas, I cleaned out both toy chests so each were a little less than half full and donated them to Goodwill. Then Christmas and birthdays came and now the toy chests are overflowing. I mean WAY overflowing. A lot of stuff that was given to my son are really nice large toy tractors and farming equipment from actual implement dealerships, too expensive to just be given away (one tractor alone was over $100). And both kids still play with everything too. We've gone through and removed what they don't play with, and they are still heaping, falling out the sides and such. What do I do with all these toys? Do you have a fun way to store all these tractors and equipment? I thought about the baskets on shelves, but all units like that I find will only fit one tractor in each basket. Most of this stuff is too big to fit under their beds. I can't walk into their room because there are SO many toys. HELP!




  1. What I have done before was put their bigger toys like trucks and such on  a book shelf that would hold it or I have just started putting their toy box's in the closet.  Keeps the room cleaner and out of the way.    We have the same problem.   Seems like we go thru toys and then it fills back up.   We have 4 boys so we have also 5 toy box's.  Were not hording toys we just spoil our kids!  (to they person who made that comment)

  2. No yard? no outside storage? and no garage either?

    I used to put stuff in boxes and put it in the garage for about 2 or 3 months than change .

    If you have a yard get one of those small storage sheds and park the farm equipment there.

  3. My son has a ton of cars/trucks/bikes. All different and he loves them all.  I've been "parking" them in a row across a wall. It does take up a small amount of space, but they look really neat. When he gets better flooring in his room I plan to use tape and make real parking spaces.

    Also I use shelves instead of boxes. They generally look much less cluttered. I use several of the wooden cube organizers, some squares only fit one medium vehicle, but I put books or small cars next to it. Small cars and toys go into plastic organizer boxes then put on the shelf.

    Fit any toys possible into under the bed boxes. The large cars may not fit, but I'm sure tons of toys can.

    Think up. If possible use those mesh toy corner hangers. Hang hooks on the ceiling and hang cars from the hooks for the night. Just test to make sure it is strong and safe.

    Good luck!

  4. Get some risers for their beds.  Then there will be room for them to park their farming equipment under the bed.

  5. You could get some shelves (make sure they have adjustable shelves) for their room and cover a wall with them. When the kids get tired of playing with some of the toys, have a yard sale and use the money towards an addition on the house or a college fund for the kids.

  6. You could send some toy's to defend countries that would make a lot of kids happy.Or sale them and help kids here at Christmas time.

  7. I don't know it it would work, but maybe for the bigger toys, you could get or make one of those tent things that hang from the ceiling, so it would be both a fun place to play and when they're done, you could drive the big stuff in it and close it up so you can't see it.  Then if there are more smaller toys, I like wicker baskets or under the bed storage containers.  Baskets are pretty, and the containers are out of sight.  Hope that helped.

  8. You could get the "nets" that hang in the corners of the rooms..or get a large drawer dresser for toys.  Otherwise, you simply have to get rid of lesser played with toys again.  I find myself going through my kid's toys two or three times a year.

  9. give everything that they dont play with to good will

  10. you know, Ikea (store) has really cute storage bins that are like in baskets of about 10, it comes in a shelf and its really nice and it doent take up a lot of room, you can put it on one side of a wall, and it has lablers if u need it!

    good luck

  11. I went to Home Depot & bought 1x8 pieces of wood & some brackets & put up shelves.  I have a shelf going all the way around my grandson's room.  One shelf is at the top of the room, about 15" from the ceiling and all the way around, for the toys he doesn't play with a lot, but that are too good to just send to goodwill.  You could do this and rotate the toys every 3 months so they would feel like having a new toy to play with every 3 months.

    Bed risers help too.  We have his train table cut down to fit & have put rollers on it.  He just rolls it out to play with, then rolls it back when he's done.

  12. Donate them - Goodwill is fine or the Salvation Army. Why hoard toys when some kids have none?

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