
What do I do with my beets?

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I planted a garden this year and planted beets. First time and they are growing like gangbusters! I'm going to have a ton. What are the best ways to use them. I don't know anything about fresh beets, I've always used canned.




  1. put in baking dish w/ olive oil, garlic cloves and roast covered for 1 hr. Cool and use in salads. also tasty on a cheese plate.

  2. Wash them, cut the tops/bottoms off, quarter the bulb and boil til they are tender.

    Drain them, and using clean dishwashing gloves slide the skins off. (the gloves will protect your hands from getting stained, and the non-slip rubber will help the skin peel off very easily). Slice/cube the beets.

    Toss with butter/olive oil, salt, and pepper.

    I think they are fantastic just like that. You can also freeze them after they have been cooked, just pop them back in the microwave.

  3. I agree totally with Add Man........Roasted fresh beets are WONDERFUL with any meal.....Also, did you know that you can take the beet tops and steam them like Swiss Chard or Spinach and they have a wonderful flavor as spinach and Swiss chard, though, a huge bunch will steam down to a small amount.....and they have an undertone flavor of fresh beets.....Enjoy you beets!!!


  4. Freeze them, can them, eat them, give them away

  5. use them to make red velvet cupcakes...the beet juice is better than red food dye. look up a recipe on google for beet juice red velvet cupcakes recipe

  6. See if you can donate the excess to you r local food Bank.

  7. -Beets are delicious.  You can bake them whole for about an hour, and the skin just comes right off.  

    -You can thickly slice them, and sprinkle generously with sea salt, fresh pepper and olive oil and roast at a high temp - they come out slightly crispy and they're awesome.

    -You can wash them well, and leave the skin on and grate them into a salad - really really good and so easy!


  8. Roast them, they are Delicious this way. Peel them and roast at 400 degrees - until al dente tender - toss them in olive oil w/s&p to taste first though - let them cool and make a refreshing roasted beet salad with a lemonvinaigrettee

  9. you can boil some eggs off heat up beets put eggs in..add some viniger...i think it takes 3or4  days..


    Hope these help.

  11. -Saute the greens with oil, s+p.

    -Eat the beets raw grated on a bed of greens and sliced pears-maybe dots of goat or feta cheese.

    -Roast them and toss with greens and citrus vinaigrette.

    -Cut into sticks and munch on them raw.

    -Juice it with celery, ginger, aloe, and cucumber for a refreshing juice.  

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