
What do I do with my relationship?

by  |  earlier

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I am 21 I have been with this guy since I was 17. We have a 3yr old son. The past 2 years I haven't been happy. My boyfriend got a different job working long hours. He comes home from work and just eats dinner, goes on the computer then goes to bed. We hardly talk about anything. He only sees his son when he says good night. He works on saturdays as well because his boss asks him to. Saturday nights he goes out with his friends and is hungover all day sunday. I've had enough and told him I want to end the relationship. I told him my reasons and hes been crying, threatening to kill himself ever since. He says he cant live without me because he loves me so much. He said when I take my son when I leave he doesn't want to see him because he can't have one without the other. He went to work this morning leaving notes all around the house begging me to stay with him and that he'll change. I don't want him to change he is a good person and I think I've just grown up since I was 17 and grown out of him. He hasn't changed at all that I've noticed. He is twenty- four. He was at work but has been sending me txt msgs saying hes leaving work and wont be coming home and I'll never see him again. I'm worried he might do something stupid. Anyone got some advice??




  1. well i would pray for him first. an let GOD order my steps. because when GOD orders your steps there is no guilt or regrets just happiness.

  2. call him and ask him where he is at.

    if u think hes ok then make a plan to end the

    relationship b/c a guy that doesnt pay any attention 2 u then doesnt

    deserve u.

    It's stupid that he says h**l kill himself.

    U cant change a person thats just the way it is....they're that way 4ever

  3. You're in a bad situation, but it can get much better. I've been through a divorce with 2 young kids involved and now in another relationship. You both may need some time apart from each other for a while so you can both figure out what sort of life you DO want. Counseling may help you both. If he is really suicidal then he definitely needs some help.

    At some stage you are going to have to make a choice to stay with him or go - my advice is to do what is best for you and your kid. If your relationship with your husband eventually improves and you are all happy, that's the best outcome :)

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