
What do I do with the insurance adjuster?

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I just got into a car accident about two weeks ago. The damages were about $1000, not too bad. The adjuster keeps calling me to settle the claim and that if i don't settle, they won't pay the medical bills. Also he keeps saying that its a minor accident so i shouldn't have any medical bills. I've only been to the chiropractor a couple of times. What about pain and suffering? What should i do?




  1. Sorry, but don't even try to get pain and suffering.  It's a waste of time, will p**s off the adjustor and make every little item a hassle.  

    The insurance doesn't have to pay anything until you agree to the total, so ask how you can get reimbursed for the chiropracter charges.

  2. The insurance company will not pay medical bills as you incur them.  So, the adjuster is telling you the truth...he won't pay the bills until you settle.

    You are making a claim against someone's liability policy. This is a completely different animal from health insurance. The two types of insurance do not work the same way.

    When you have been released from the dr and are feeling better. The adjuster will have you sign a medical authorization so that the medical providers that treated you can send him copies of the medical bills and reports.

    The adjuster will mail out requests for the medical bills/reports.

    Once they get all that in...they evaluate it and make an offer to you to settle your claim. Once you reach an agreement - the adjuster will send you a release to sign (by you and spouse if married). Once you send the correctly signed release back, they send out the check(s).

    Be aware, if you get greedy and run up a bunch of medical bills thinking you're going to get a big pay need to think again. The insurance company does not have to pay every bill you incur. Just what is related to the accident.

    To be honest, a 1000 impact is not that hard of an impact. I  could kick your car a couple of times and cause 1000 worth of damage.

    When the adjuster makes an offer, they will consider pain and suffering.  Just be sure you don't run up a bunch of medical treatment you don't need - don't try and inflate your claim. That could come back to bite you in the f***y.

    And....getting a lawyer does not make that big a difference. Only changes who the adjuster talks to.

    Adjusters are not afraid of attorneys. We deal with them all the time.  Insurance companies are not afraid to take a case to trial.....we do that a lot to.  

    *** not legal advice. only an attorney can give legal advice.  info provided to be used at your own risk. ***

  3. That adjuster is apparently working for the OTHER GUY.

    The FIRST thing you need to do, is talk to YOUR AGENT.  Laws about pain and suffering vary by state.  Likely, if you never went to the ER or saw an MD, you're not going to get ANYTHING - in which case, take whatever he's offering, LOL.  

    Chiroprator bills are NOT treated as medical bills, in all states!  Some states will totally discount them!

    You need to talk to your agent, to get state and case specific advice.

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