
What do I do with these birds nesting on my mailbox?

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I moved the first nest, but the robins built another one. They chose my mailbox (attached to the side of my house). I checked my mail yesterday and there was no nest, this morning it's back. I hate the thought of them wasting all that energy and having no place to nest when it's egg-laying time.

What do I do?




  1. Stick stamps on them.

    Could you build a nesting platform just a bit above the mailbox?

  2. you can build something similar to your mail box (birdhouse) and then move the nest in there... put the birdhouse where the robins will see and they might (hopefully) move in there

  3. Good for you, caring about the birds.

    What i would do: get a second mail-box for the duration of nesting and fledgling.

    I had phoebes nesting right by the back door.  They couldn't handle all the traffic and left, even after trying two years in a row. Their leaving was too bad, because I was expecting great enjoyment in watching the progress of nest, eggs, babies.

    So maybe your robins can be more of a blessing than a nuisance?

    p.s. Here police would not be right people.

    Seriously, try your state's division of wildlife, or whatever is its name there.  

    A veterinarian might also be a help.

    Or if in U.S., your county will have an Extension Agent, listed under county's name in phone book.  They know practically everything!

  4. Ahh if like most mailboxs it had a door that closed,  the birds would go elsewhere.

  5. call your local police non emergancy ... they take care of it! its happened to me before.

    help me:

  6. Leave it be and don't let anyone near it. Ask the mail person to leave your mail in a basket on the ground. If anyone goes near the nest...the mother will abandon the eggs. Mother's will abandon the nest/eggs/babies if someone goes near the nest. Keep the area safe and quiet until the birds are gone.

  7. You should leave them alone. Specially if there are babies. After they learn how to fly they leave! They will learn fast, don't worry. Birds come and nest in my house every year!

    Hope this helps!

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