
What do I expect on the first day of college?

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I'm starting college in a couple days, and I was wondering what to expect in my first couple days academically. Do I need to have all my text books ready? Should I bring binders? Spiral notebooks? Binder paper? What kind of stuff do I need on the first day, and what stuff can I get as I go along? Please help me out. Thanks!




  1. my first day of college. all i brought was a notebook. they usually just do a intro for class the first day. but the 2nd day they start working. so yea..

  2. Well, for most classes you wont need your books on the first day. I know the only class I ever needed my book on the first day was in my biology lab. But it is good to get them because you can either get a head start and it is easier to stay caught up because some profs can move pretty fast.

    You should check if any of the professors have posted the syllabus if so I would print it out and bring it to class. Some may give it to you but others may expect you to bring your own copy. That's usually what will be the focus of the first class, going over the syllabus. Also you might want to check if the professor has posted any worksheets to bring on the first day

    I would bring paper and a pencil or pen just in case. I found it important to stay organized. So I would by binders and a spiral notebook for each class but you wont need it for the first day (some classes you may not need the binder or even the notebook it just depends on the prof and the class some are more demading you will know after the first few classes) Also if you need anything extra for a certain class it will usually be in the syllabus or the prof will let you know.

    Good luck on your first day

  3. Orientation week  will be the most hectic and the best week of college

    There really won't be much in the way of classes

    You'll have the time of your life  

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