
What do I feed a duck that was raised to be food? What kind of space/accommodations does this duck need?

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Okay so I live in Chicago and today I was on 26th Street and I saw a live poultry store. I saw some very sad looking ducks through the window and decided to buy one (which may have been kind of stupid). What should I feed it? What kind of accommodations will it need? Right now I have the duck in an extremely large dog kennel with the sides & bottoms covered. There's a plastic tub filled with swimming water and a small plastic dish filled with drinking water inside the kennel. I've also given the duck a small dish of pureed carrots and celery.

What should this duck's accommodations look like? What should this duck be eating?




  1. You need to feed it scratch corn if its an adult. If its a baby, it needs NON medicated starter. I recommend the brand Dumor feed. Its Starter/Grower or Finisher.  

    What you have now is great. You can Keep him in the house or keep him and the cage in the garage. If you have a fenced in yard thats perfect. If the ducks yellow or white Pekin than you wouldnt have to clip the wings. You can though just to make sure it wont get out. Or if you have some chciken wire and make a lil fence area in your yard and keep a kiddy pool in there and feed and water, that works as well. It just needs to be not out in the open so that raccoons can not get him, they can, the raccoons open a cage door. If yu have a garage or basment you can place him in that in his cage. Make sure tgat you clean it to make sure its clean.

    You can feed him some of those fruots and veggies as well.

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