
What do I feed my frog and how should I feed him/ care for him?

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To start off I'll give you his scientific classification:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Anura

Family: Ranidae

Genus: Rana

Species: Rana Clamitans

I live in new jersey, if it helps.

Heres his size:

Length: 3 inches.

Width: 1 1\2 inches.

Hight: 1 1\2 inches.

He hasnt eaten anything today, and I just got him at around 3 o' clock. Does he eat other frogs?




  1. Bugs and frog food from stores. u are not supose to hand feed it just drop the food in its cage

  2. Well im not sure exactly what kind of frog it is, But i do now that they will always eat crickets and if not then go to the area you found him at and look for nartuaral bugs and feed those to him and if all else fails wild animals wont eat sometimes in captivity.....sorry man.

  3. well he wont eat anything till he feels comfortable with his new surroundings. which will take a few days. dont bother him and he'll get used to it. green frogs are pretty unfussy eaters (altho there always one that is lol) but will probably only take live foods. id go with crickets fruit flies earthworms or mealworms. just drop them in the tank and leave them in there for about 20-30mins then take out any uneaten food (this is very important as crickets and mealworms will (if given the chance) try and eat your frog.)

    first of all these frogs can live for up to 15 years

    this will require a minimum of a 15 gallon long aquarium (the bigger the better)set up with about 1/3 land 2/3 water

    the water will have to be treated to make it safe using an aquarium safe water treater (same as fish u can get these from pet stores) or u could just use bottled spring water. the water level should be 2-8 inches and heavily planted (fake or real). the water will also have to be filter and preferably cycled (but u dont have time for cycling) there should be easy ways out of the water onto the land area

    the land section should be covered in organic potting soil (NO pesticides or fertilizers and microwaved for 1 min) Eco earth coco humus or moss leaf litter or leaf mulch(again microwaved) and have several hiding place

    as for temperature the cooler the better never above 24C

    u really should have done your research before buying your pet. next time research first then pet store

    hope this helps

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