
What do I have to do if I just lost my drivers permit, but I qualify for my drivers license?

by  |  earlier

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Ive had my drivers permit for about 8 months now but I only had to have it for three and finish 50 driving hours. The thing is I have completed what is needed but I misplaced my permit and I was planning to go get my license. So would I have to get my permit copied then come back and get my license or will I be allowed to get my license?




  1. You have to have a copy in your possession, or you cannot take your test.  You don't say where you live, but, if you had lost your permit in Manitoba, you could stop at my office, show id, pay $15, and I could hand you a new permit.  You could even do it on the way to your driver road test appointment.

    Note, there is the odd place where they will just verify you have been issued an active permit, and give your the road test, but it isn't really legal and an officer can ticket you.  If you live where an officer is giving the road test, just ask ahead of time.

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