
What do I have to do in order to stay in Italy longer then the three month limit given to U.S. citizens?I will

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not be going to school or working there, but want to be able to stay longer then three months. How can I do that?




  1. Rob a bank.

  2. you're us citizen; don't worry about that

  3. Either get a visa to let you stay longer. Or just leave the country and then come back. So go to england or Gemany,etc but save your ticket stub in case there is a problem so you can prove you left the country and came back because when you are within the EU they dont stamp passports anymore. So its like traveling thoughout the states..

  4. I live in Italy. You don't have to do anything....I think...but contact your embassy,ask them....

  5. Legally you need a visa to stay longer than 3 months. Contact your local embassy or consulate.

    You are only allowed to stay for 90 days within a 180 day period. You can't just pop up to Switzerland to restart the 90 day process.

  6. You don't say whether you are already in Rome or not. However, if you are still in the States, your best bet is to call the Italian Consolate or Embassy nearest you. If you are in Rome, you can call the American Embassy.

    In order to stay beyond the 3 mont limit, I think you need for someone to vouch for you and guarantee that you will be financially supported by them.

  7. Call your local Italian Consulate or the Embassy in Washington. The US Embassy may or may not be able to give you any details on this subject. It is the Italians that can give you the correct answer on this.... or ask John Murphy at:

  8. I guess you have to ask for a touristic visa. It is exactly what we have to do to stay in the US longer than 3 months as tourists. But you have to prove that you can provide for yourself or someone can do it for you. Take a look at the website of the italian embassy

  9. If you're American, you can get a 'Permesso di Soggiorno' which is issued at the main police station (Questura)   Take your passport with you. It will be good for 3 months and can be renewed indefinitely.  If you do not renew it before the expiration date, you must go out of the country, and reenter (be sure to get your passport stamped.)

  10. Merry Meeeeeeeeeee

    No Ok I'm kidding!!!

    I know lots of people from the US here in Italy

    You can stay here 3 more months (6 in total) once you are here...and after that IF YOU SURVIVE!!!(kidding again) you can go to Switzerland stay one night and return back

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