
What do I have to do to be taken seriously?

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What do I have to do to be taken seriously?




  1. Pull my finger.

  2. It depends on what you want to be taken seriously. If it is just being taken seriously in general then try to act serious and let people know that this is truly how you feel about something. I don't have much information to give you. Maybe if you would give a little more detail I could help you out more.

  3. Depends on the circumstances and expectations of the situation.  Need more information to give a concise response.

  4. Now THAT- is a GOOD Question ! For Starters, ALWAYS be "true to Yourself". People's Opinions are "cheap". So as long as you Believe in your Self & your own Judgment- you'll become totally Responsible for your OWN Decisions, Actions, & Mistakes. -And "Real" People- Respect That. Next; Talk LESS and "Say"- More. 99.9% of Us talk too much, say too little, & are good for doing next to NOTHING of what we do Say (or Promise). When You Open your mouth, make it MEAN something...-don't just let your conversation be an exchange of Gases. When People realize that you don't share your Opinions unless they MEAN Something to you, -they''ll start listening to you aLOT more closely... And Finally; learn to be a good Listener. People LOVE (& often NEED) to be listened to. And when they discover that they have your Undivided attention- they'll start taking YOU Seriously, in a desperate attempt to hold on to it !!! NOBODY learns anything with their Mouth open... So the MORE & Better you learn to LISTEN, the MORE you'll be Respected & taken Seriously... Do even HALF of these things- & you'll notice a big Difference in the way people treat You... Do ALL of them, & it won't MATTER how people treat You- because you'll know Better than to make it an Issue...  :)  

  5. Fire a warning shot into the ceiling. That'll get their attention.

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