
What do I have to do to become a Scientist/Astronomer?

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I'm leaning more towards Astronomer because I'm really into stars and planets, but I'm also VERY into Physics, such as space and time...could I be both? OK, I'm about to go into my freshman year and the best science class they have is Honors Biology, i think...but what do I do after that? What classes should I take?




  1. Well, it's a good thing you like physics - astronomy is a sub-field of physics, so if you want to be an astronomer, major in physics in college.  While in high school, take all the math and physical science you can - bio, chem, physics, maybe geology and astronomy if you have the option, but definitely take bio, chem, and physics with labs.  And up through calculus, if you have the option.

    In college, major in physics.  Astronomy, math, and computer science courses are useful too, but physics is essential to get into graduate school in astronomy or astrophysics - and if you want to be an astronomer, you need a PhD.

  2. Do a degree in physics in college. then u will be able to branch into an astronomy Phd or something similar

  3. Concentrate on math;  extra classes help a lot in this. In College, physics - all types, especially particle physics, will be very beneficial.

    Contact a local university that's known for sciences, and support work with major telescopes around the world, ask what a good direction to take is.  

  4. Since you just asked the same question, I'll give you exactly the same answer.  Most people won't like it.

    A high IQ and even higher curiosity. And since most scientists and astronomers are not exactly highly paid, a certain disregard for wealth would help. Also keep in mind that the American educational establishment graduates far more astronomers and physicists than it can actually use. There are far more PhDs than jobs in these fields. Be prepared to teach in Junior college or high school instead of doing science. And that option usually requires that you take a bunch of hours in useless education courses. Sad but true.

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