
What do I have to do to become a very highly developed human being?

by Guest64144  |  earlier

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What do I have to do to become a very highly developed human being?




  1. always do what you think is right.try to help people in need .and be a good role model for younger people

  2. Open your mind and your heart.  Develop empathy and compassion.

  3. Open your mind, don't believe everything people tell you, especially Fox News Channel! Deprogram yourself from all the years of government/media propaganda. Once you get a glimps of reality you will want more and more. Thinks are not what they seem to be, your version of reality is probably completely wrong; it's not your fault I used to be like you, now I don't even consider myself a human being, human beings are everything I am not. I look like a human being but I know I am far superior. I am at one with the universe so to speak. Any time someone tells you not to believe something, or to believe something, it would probably be best to assume you are being lied to. Like my momma always said believe only half of what you see, and none of what you hear, it works for me.

  4. Synchronize your breathing with your consciousness...

  5. Meditation, read all the books you can find.

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