
What do I have to do to get an ivy league college? ?

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I'm 16. I'm starting my junior year of high school tomorrow, and my unweighted GPA is a 2.4. I'm not poor, and I don't need a scholarship, but I would like to know the specifications for admittance. Also, What I need to do to get me on the right track. h**l, I'll even take GeorgeTown.




  1. You have no chance, I'm sorry. A 4.0 isn't even enough, most of the time you need over 4.0 to get admittance. You also need to be well rounded by doing a lot of sports, clubs, or volunteer work. Don't forget SATs too.

  2. Keep on dreamin'.

    2.4 huh? I bet you could get into a really nice public university.

  3. I'm sorry but I have to agree with the first answerer. Unless you miraculously pull your GPA up to at least a 3.8, commit yourself to over 100 hours of volunteer, show dedication to the community and a passion for some fine art or sport, then I honestly think the admission commitee with laugh at your application. There are thousands of qualified applicants that apply to Ivy Leage schools, so what makes you think you will be able to get in without showing any academic or extracurricular commitment?

    With all these things said...if you're rich enough, you may be able to "buy" your way into some highly-ranked schools. I'm just not to certain how you'll fit in being surrounded by some of the most brilliant young minds in the country. However, I wish you the best in your endeavors!

    EDIT: Sure Jamieson, you could definitely get into a "regular" university, but be clear about what you mean by that. Many colleges are classified into "tiers". Tier 1 schools are your Ivy Leagues (i.e. Harvard, Yale, Princeton), and some other highly-ranked schools: i.e. Northwestern, Duke, Boston University, Vanderbilt University, University of Chicago, NYU), then you have Tier 2 schools: which are not as difficult to get into, but still competitive. I think if you bring your GPA as much as you can, you'll definitely get into a tier 3 or tier 4 school. There is a list of schools by tiers here:  

    Tier 1 and Tier 2:


    Tier 3:


    Tier 4:


    You'll notice that the lower the tier, the lower (easier) the requirements for admission.

    Let me know if you have any more questions.

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