
What do I have to do to stay in Britain?

by  |  earlier

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I came to Britain in 2003 with a student visa, in 2004 I met my girlfriend and we have been together since then. Now that we both have finished our degrees we would like to find jobs and perhaps rent a flat (we already lived together in student accomodation for a year) I can't stay after october 2008 as my student visa expires and we dont want to get married yet. I really want to stay with her. Does anyone know how the Home Office deals with this issues? What are the chances of me staying?




  1. I'm assuming you're not from an EU country then?  If you are, you can stay indefinitely.  If not, then you're going to have to see if you can get a work visa.  Speak to the CAB - citizen's advise bureau they should help and are free.

  2. bye bye you cant stay/back home to where you belong im afraid

  3. Phone the Home Office or your own embassy and ask.

    You have not provided your nationality so no one on here can give you an accurate answer.

  4. Swap your identity with me,i'm fed up of the bl--dy place.

  5. Where are you from? Is your girlfriend British?  

  6. You could commit a serious crime, say importing drugs, you will get 6 months and be aloud to stay in the country when you get out.

  7. Unless you are qualified for jobs on the shortlist of this country your only alternative is to get married before your visa expires. Sorry there`s no other alternative.

  8. *** off home! only room for so many free loading scroungers like me..

  9. Your only option would be to go back as required and apply to the Home office in the proper way.

  10. you will have to leave

    then apply to come back under the new points system.

    we have plenty of plumbers doctors, lawyers etc etc etc

    so its doubtfull you will get indefinate leave toremain.

    why not take your girlfriend with you.

    am sure the system over there will trest her well.


  11. Did you rent a flat in both your names? was it a student flat?

  12. Its highly unlikely that you can stay.  

    To find a job you would need to apply for a work permit under the skilled migrant programme - have a look at the UK Borders Agency website for more info on how to do this.  Alternatively you can see if a potential employer will sponsor you to apply for a work permit - but in most cases this is more hassle than its worth.

    Even if you married your girlfriend you are not guaranteed the right to remain in the UK.

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