
What do I need for a spell?

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right I need help i want to right I spell and I don't what it needs, does it need rhyming words or just come from the heart and soul, or even both

I would also like to know do I use candles and if so how to a arrange this candles how many do I need what shape shall i put the candles do i need to say the spell the burn it I really don't know help me please

from lilmizdeathdrop




  1. words, gestures and material components

  2. all you need is LSD and a mental illness.

  3. What I would do, is research around about the various items that correspond with your intent regarding this spell. Then decide which items you want to use. You can use candles if you wish, they make it easier to focus and bring you into the right frame of mind, if you wish. The reason many spells rhyme, is because it's easier to remember a rhyme. Its not necessary, but it is fun.

  4. u can either follow the 1st answer or u can c mine....... u cant make a spell go get a life will ya

  5. You should not be messing with spells. It is dangerous stuff.

  6. Making a spell is quite easy if you are educated enough and in the right way. The words come from your heart and soul and should flow out. Make the words speak towards your goal. Focus your energy and desire and concentrate on your desired goal. The candles are mainly used for concentration. If you use them then arrange them by color to the four corners. Red - Fire in the south Blue - Water in the west Green/Brown - Earth in the east and Yellow/White - Air in the North. You do not need to burn the spell although some people do. My advice would be to study some more and learn more about witchcraft before you just decide to create a spell.

  7. If you want to know more about candle spells, get your hands on a copy of "The Master Book of Candle Burning" by Henry (or Henri) Gamache. It has explanations and examples of how to do ritual candle burnings, including arrangements, colors and shapes.

    As for rhymes, the purpose of them is mostly to help you remember your prayer or chant. I don't actually know anyone who uses them, and the spells work for them still. Just say what you want in some way or another -- 'cause if you don't say what you want you won't get it.

    Really, how to do a spell has a lot to do with what works for one's own self, and it can differ a lot person to person. I've been casting spells about 2 years now and am just starting to figure out what works best for me. I would advise doing traditional spells to start, as you get the hang of things, and over time you'll see what gets your best results.  

  8. The words, however you choose to use them (I like rhyming as I can remember easier, but yes, the words should come from your heart and your intention), and the candles if you choose to use them are merely tools to help you focus your energy.

    The energy, your will, and your intention are the only things you *need* to work an effective spell.  You raise the energy within yourself, focus and direct it, and release it toward your goal - and then let it go. That is the driving force behind a spell.  

    I am guessing from this question that you are rather new to working with magic, in which case I would recommend some more studying before attempting to cast a spell.

  9. your plain dumb no such thing as magic

    go get a life :)

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