
What do I need for school??

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I am going into 9th grade and was wondering if there were any lists that would tell me what to bring because I don't think I will be getting one for high school...




  1. some hot and cool powder :P

  2. Office Depot or Staples may have lists available for you.  Ask your friends what they plan on bringing and decide for yourself which of these items you need. In high school, the best thing you can do for yourself is to plan your time accordingly and devote as much time as possible to your studies. Get all A's and most of your problems will fade away.  Good luck.

  3. Your teachers will probably tell you what they want you to have.

    Color coordinate and have a color for each subject and color your schedule those colors. Here's what you should get when you go shopping, but you might have to go again and get some more items if teachers want other things

    Book covers for each subject

    A notebook and folder (different colors) for each subject and one extra (get a big 5* notebook for math)

    Post it flags (very handy and helpful for studying and page marking)

    WHite out

    Pens and Pencils (mechanical and standard yellow w/eraser)

    2 binders


    2 Pencil pouches (for each binder)

    Planner (if you aren't given one)

    You should read these tips so you survive, I wrote the article myself. If you don't know this stuff you will have a tough time. Some things they don't tell you and it will really s***w you up. You'll wish you read this if you don't, it could save you from a lot of problems!!

  4. i would try getting a binder and spiral notebook for every class that needs one. a couple of pens and pencils, red pens. all the basics. usually your teachers will tell you what you need on the first day of school, or on their website( if they have one). at least thats what they do at my school...

  5. well there are the basics

    -notebook for each class

    -folder for each class



    then there are some things you might want for certain classes

    -calculator for math

    -colored pencils for science

    depending on your need for organization you might want a binder, you might want a block eraser in case your pencil erasers run off. not to be nosy but it might be easier to make a list if you told a list of the classes you were taking. there might be special things you need for certain classes.  

  6. u really dont know

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