
What do I need in order to grow my own tobacco?

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I live in Arizona. When should I start and what do I need?




  1. Move to Cuba

  2. Probably a License first

    It is a controlled Substance.


    Alcohol,Tobacco & Fire Arms

    Big Stuff

    Call your City Hall /City Clerk

  3. First, you need to move to somewhere that has the right soil and rainfall to support tobacco.  Then you need land, seed, and time.  Drying can be the most tedious part of the process.  A lot also depends on how much you plan to grow.  I don't know if you need a permit; but if you're over 18 and can buy the stuff, there shouldn't be a problem growing it.

  4. Start in jail and you need a life. I hope you break your pinky as you respond to this.

  5. You need the seeds.

    Don't know how cold it gets where you live but most things are planted in the spring after the last frost.

    They might be hard to find because the Gov. makes you pay all that tax on cigarettes.

    Some frown on smoking, but you pay more taxes then they do.

    They should be yelling at the Gov. for giving $ to the tobacco farmers.

    Non smokers are supporting the tobacco industry like it or not.

    If they don't like it they should call their Sen. fat chance that will happen.

    They just like to complain about you using a product that they are giving money to.

    If you find out where to get the seeds let me know, I would like to try it as well.

    Yes I smoke too.

  6. i think you need some sort of lisence but i"m not sure

    haha good luck

  7. forty acres of bottom land

  8. You might try going here:

    You might be able to get some help from those guys.

  9. No license needed. All you need is the seeds. It will grow anywhere Tomato's grow.  The Indians in Arizona raised wild tobacco long before the white man settled the land. .

    There are hundreds of different types of tobacco. Pick the type you want to use and grow it. Burly types are the most common for all around use.

    Google Nicotinia Tobaccum. You will get more information than you can read.

  10. Get all your cigarette and other tobacco products and bury them in your backyard, then a cigarette tree will grow.

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