
What do I need to become a successful bartender?

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Tell me... some recipes for cocktails, some flair tricks... I want to work as a bartender in the summer but I don't know what skills I need and how I can get them! So please help me!




  1. I guess just to be your best and know how to handle things in a manly order.

  2. get to a bartending school for the drinks part.... What you'll really need, however, is personality, not to mention tolerance!! I've bartended for years and just cuz you know how to make a drink doesn't mean at all that you are a good bartender... folks are impatient and can be nasty when drunk, so grow yourself a "thick skin" Good Luck...

  3. Experience...bottom line.  You can get a bartending job without knowing how to make the drinks or do tricks.  You can read and research all the drinks you want, but knowing what your clientele drinks as well as the specialty drinks of your bar is most beneficial.  As far as tricks, just watch the people who know what they're doing and practice, practice, practice!  

    The only thing that can make you a good bartender is Experience.  You may know what goes into a drink, but actually making it correctly so it tastes as its supposed to will only come with experience in pouring and serving.

    Good luck

  4. Know your alcohol and show some cleavage.

  5. I have been bartending for almost 6 years now and the only thing you really need to know is your basic drinks.... which will depend on where you live and what kind of bar you will be working at.. If it is an upscale one you will need martini, marquritias, dacquries, knowing how to make a good bloody mary.. if it is college kids well anything that's a shooter or fruity.. if it's a hick town bar well anything with shot and mix basically... what i would do is get a hold of a bartending book... with recipies in it.. but seem you asked I will give you  a couple of good recepies.. Bloody mary which in my area I have had very good comments from.. 1 shot of vodka, tomato juice (no bl mar Mix) celery seed  dill pickle juice salt pepper hot sauce washestire sauce and to top it off a celery or dill pickle which ever is handy.. and for measurements is't just a splash of all the liquids besides tom. juice and for the seasonings well just enough to flavor it.. another good one is Red Silk Panties.. 1 shot of vodka, 1/2 shot of triple sec 1/2 shot peach tree schnapps and cranberry juice... another thing to keep in mind most of your drinks when it calls for 1 shot it really means 1 1/2 ounces... another thing that has helped me is if you don't know what's in it ask!!! yes the costumer if they drink it they know what's in it.. and they are less offended if you ask and make it right then to try to make it and make it wrong...and another skill you really need is good basic math... and to be able to be polite even when you would rather slap the drunken jerk instead... and you need a good sense of humor.. if you get offended easily it's not a job for you... cause well i never thought anything could offend me well this job sometimes does... no not the job the dirty old men that drinks at the pub i work in...good luck.. hope this helped.. another good tip if you are working in a small town bar.. always keep some 1s on you to throw in the juke box when things could be more fun but seems dull in there... It will get people enjoying themsselves more and well if they are happy they tip more... sorry this is so long... if you would like some more help feel free to email me...okay..

  6. G'day Rosey M,

    I've managed in several bars, family restaurants and a multi-million dollar tavern in my time, then eventually went into bar staff training.

    Remember:  Good bartenders can make more money from tips in one shift then an average person could make in a day’s work!

    The first thing I think you need to do is go to a place where you want to work.  Think of the hours you want and how to get there, all the basics you need to do as if you’re getting a job anywhere.

    Once you’ve found a place:

    - Order a drink (even a water), see what drink are on the menu

    - See what the bartenders wear,

    - Watch how the bartenders interact with the customers and each other

    - Watch if the customers tip and why!

    If you still like the place, then approach management and ask for job application.  It’s sometimes a good idea to firstly be dressed appropriately to the dress code of the place.

    Once you have time to look at the application, remember what drinks were made at the place.  If you can’t make the drinks, use the equipment (electronic till), then I suggest you do some training.

    If you don’t want to read the rest here is where I go for some cocktail making tips:

    Flair, I only ever brought a barman’s friend, a Boston Shaker, had two bottles of spirits filled with water, some glasses (used behind the bar) and a big patch of grass.  I taught myself with one tool – The barman’s friend and basic flair with bar glasses.  The key, practice, practice, practice!

    Try this website for inspiration:

    Good customer service is a must:

    - Always smile

    - Leave you personal problems at the door

    - Always been nice

    - The customer isn’t always right, especially if they’re drunk!

    - Always have nice breath

    - If you got assets, flaunt them!  (Even if it’s just your personally)

    - Build up regulars that tip!

    - Build a healthy reputation, you might be offered better money somewhere else! (Yes, it happens)

    - Take you tips home!

    - and lastly if you can’t handle a situation, bring in the manager.

    Another tip is first being qualified for the basics.  Whatever the law says in your country you need, and then do it!  It will help you get prepared for the fun you’ll have in you bartending career.  You can always claim your money back in tax!

    Here is a good place to start if you want to bartend in Queensland, Australia:

    Also you might need a license to work in gambling venues: - this website is a one-stop shop for everything in NSW.

    Here is where I learnt everything to do with a license in bartending:

    I also did a bar-course which was at the time a week long, which included basic mixing of drinks, layering of shots, pouring a good beer, basic flair, customer service and heaps more!  You might go home a little tipsy each night from it.

    Okay, so you’re all qualified!

    Home tips: Buy a cocktail book and some equipment you would use in a bar.  Remember back where you want to work and think of “why bartenders got their tips”?

    If it’s flair you want, practice and practice and practice.

    Here’s some bar equipment to try: (I’ve never brought from here mind you)

    Remember always have fun or it’s not hospitality!

  7. Bartending school would be your best bet, they will show you the best "mixologist" secrets...........

  8. If you don't want to go to school here are a few tips.

    1. At minimum you need a good personality, good memory, know how to be charming, and know how to tend the bar.

    2. Get to know some bartenders, ask them the popular drinks. Don't bother to learn what no one is drinking.

    3. forget the flair for a while. that will come with experience.

    4. a charming and quick bartender will get the tips. flair is extra.

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