
What do I need to check?

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I have a mountain bike I have not ridden for like 10 years

I know that the tires need air, but should I get it to a shop to check if it's safe or not? I know I didn't do any damage to it before I gave up riding it 10 years ago, so is a shop-check-up necessary?

Should i put new lubricant oil for the gears?

How much will it cost for a check?




  1. just pump the tires up, if you did not ever ride when they were flat, then they should be fine. you should oil the chain.

  2. replace the tires they are now dangerous to ride on due to dry rot as for the rest of the bike give it a good greasing and oiling you will be fine

  3. Pump up the tires, clean and lube the chain, and get out and ride.

    The tires are the most likely part to fail, as they may be rotted because of their age.  As for the chain, don't use oil.  It's just a dirt magnet.  I use a paraffin based lubricant like White Lightening.

    Check to make sure the cables are working, and lube them a bit.

    If anything else is not working as it should the riding will sort that out.  If it is something you cannot fix you can take it to your local shop.

    But above all, get out there and ride!

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