
What do I need to do sumthing like this?

by Guest44901  |  earlier

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I know some of my friends who have stuff like this, but i just wanna do sumthing where i can practice for it. Some guys at my school have tournaments with boxing and ufc stuff. And i thought maybe id get into it. But ive never done anything like this. What do I need for home practice in my basement? Thought maybe id get a couple pairs of gloves so if a friend wanted to spar, etc. And what else do i need?




  1. Why does a bunch of 15-17 year old boys with no training having tournaments pretending to be UFC fighters just sound like a bad idea?

    Oh yeah, because it is!

    Ignorance may be bliss but it will get you hurt, maimed, or killed.  I know that at your age you are invincible but you are not. I've seen plenty of kids get injured in supervised competition with proper equipment, training, referees, etc.  Your situation almost guarantees disaster.

  2. Unsupervised training is usually a bad idea, but I imagine you're going to do it anyways.  At least wear headgear, mouthpieces and heavier gloves if possible.  Take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes if you want to learn grappling and ground techniques.

  3. Honestly you and your friends are headed for major trouble. I know it all seems like fun and games, but what happens when somebody gets seriously hurt or killed? The guys in the UFC are highly trained, in tremendous condition, yet they still get hurt. Maybe your friends are already to far into it, but that doesn't mean you have to be.

    All it takes is one mis step by one of them, and you could wind up aveggiey for life or worse. Is your future worth that? Not to mention how po'd are your parents going to be when they have to foot the medical bill or they get hit with a nice big civil suit?

    My advice is for you to actually seek out a reputable gym that teaches MMA, or at the very least boxing. A bunch ofarmaturess with no training fighting each other is a recipe for disaster. If you decide to do it at least video the fights, the trip to the emergency room, the legal proceedings, etc., and post it toyou tubee, so that we can have visual proof to back upwhatt we say for the next person who asks this question.  

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