
What do I need to do to become a dental assistant?

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I would like to take a dental assisting job in the next year (after I receive my Associates in Science next May). I'd like to work in that field up until I finish schooling to become a dentist. I've heard X-Ray certification, but I've also heard of a program called Dentrix that many employers have asked for from their applicants. Are there any short classes or seminars rather than an additional two years of a program? Sorry, I'm a bit confused! I'm just looking to get experience and become familiar and knowledgeable in the field :)




  1. It is true, depending where you live, some states do not require any certification at all to assist. It helps, but is not mandatory in all states.

    Ask your own dentist if she/he would be willing to show you the ropes and tell them of your interest in the dental field. You might just find yourself working in a dental office sooner than you think!

    Ps-Dentrix is one of many dental software programs,there are tons of them out there! Good luck to you!

  2. The only thing I can help you with, is that most dental assistants are not registered x-ray techs.  Every dentists office I know does not have any RT(R)s on staff.

  3. Many offices will hire you on and then train you and have you take the tests or go to a workshop (depending on state laws). You must work in an actual office to get certified this way. Otherwise, many community colleges offer 12-24 month assisting certification classes. It would be easier to put in applications at offices for any position. You may end up training for assiting or answering phones or doing insurance stuff, but you will still learn about working in an office.

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