It starts in the back and runs between the house and driveway. The driveway is raised and has a wall of 4X4 treated wood up against where the sidewalk needs to continue. The other side is smaller wood ties and a mix of ground covered with decorative stone. The current walk ends and to get from the driveway to the front porch steps you have to step down then back up. It is very inconvenient and a bit hazardous in the winter. I want to bring the walk up two steps so that it is level with the driveway. Do I need a spacer between the cement and the wood ties? If so what and how. Also, from where it would start there is considerable depth (I read an article about making a sidewalk on level ground and the cement was only to be a few inches thick). Can I make the two steps one piece of cement, probable pretty thick then at the bottom step, or do i need to frame them out individually. Never done anything like this before, can someone please help? Thanks.