
What do I need to do to clean up my credit report?

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I had accounts that had been reported as collections, but have recently payed them off to the collector in full. Will these fall of my report or is there a way to have it cleaned up and all of these removed?




  1. If you are dealing with a collection account, you want a complete removal (a deletion) from your credit report, however, NOT a “Paid As Agreed”. You should always send a letter for them to sign stating that you agree to pay as long as you receive a deletion from your record.

    Any notation on your credit report from a collection agency is considered negative, so even if the listing read, “this person has the best paying record we’ve ever seen”, it would hurt your score.

    If you are dealing with an account which has been placed in collections, you now have two negative listings (in most cases) appearing on your credit report – the collection and the original creditor. If the original creditor refuses to deal with you and sends you to the collection agency, it’s very difficult to get the original creditor to remove the negative mark. But impossible? No.

    You need to get the collection agency to agree to remove their listing entirely from your report and have the original creditor change the rating to "Paid As Agreed". At the very minimum, you are within your legal rights to demand the removal of the collection account from your report. For more info go to

  2. you cant have it removed. in my experience i have seen collections/delinquent/forclosure/repos/... from 20 years ago still on a credit report. since you have paid them off it will show the creditor and or collection name, the amount you were collections for and then the balance with the date showing you have paid it. it will take about 6 months of good pay history with any creditor ( not collections) either a loan or a revolving account ( credit card) to start to bring your credit score up. although when someone runs your credit it will start to bring your score down.

  3. Your stuck with these for 7 years once they are paid off!  All you can do is rebuild with good credit.  Alot of places require one good thing for every bad.  You can rebuild from here.  I've been able to bring mine up to a 744 and still have a bankruptcy for another year.  It can be done!!

  4. you need to write to them and send a copy of receipts showing you paid and get proof other than receipts from them. make sure you keep your original receipts.

  5. It can take a while for those things to get off of your credit report.  The credit reporting agencys deal with so much information it can take longer than expected.  Unfortunately if you have recent collections then it can stay on your report for a pretty long time.

  6. You can use credit repair agency, for example this one -

    They will clean lots of such bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster than yourself, so your credit will go up.

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