
What do I need to do to get a job as a Wildlife Biologist?

by Guest33703  |  earlier

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I'm stuck between studying Wolves or Tigers.

1) Do Biologists travel a lot? Like live with the animals or be close enough to study them?

2) What courses do I need to take in College? Also little ones in High School to get ready to jump into College courses?

3) How much money do they get?




  1. Let's start with H.S. Take all the science courses you can jam into your schedule.  Once you get to college, you can major in Wildlife Conservation or in Zoology. Some wildlife biologists travel a lot; most don't. Some get close; some don't; some get too close for comfort. Sometimes, you can get a teaching job and consult during the summers. Most of the time you will be working for either a state fish and game department or the USF&WS. Rarely can you get a job with private industry or a conservation non-profit organization. You can get a fairly good idea of salaries by looking at the pay scales for different levels of federal government.

    Don't lock yourself into working only with wolves or tigers, although it may be feasible to do so if you do graduate work. There are not many states that have a large enough wolf population to warrant a specialist and you can't do much with tigers unless you go to Asia.

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