
What do I need to do to get into Harvard?

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I don't mean to be a pompous d**k, but I've pretty much been the smartest person in my grade since kindergarten. However, my record would show otherwise to Harvard. I scored a perfect 2400 on my SAT in June, so that is my strong point. The bad part is that, due to serious family problems, I blew my GPA to bits and now all i have is a 3.82. The same domestic issues caused me to only dabble in extracurriculars. I have one year of cross country, one year of track and field- neither of which was impressive. I was a member of the Young Democrats Club and I'm joining NHS for my senior year. Oh, and I'm an "AP Scholar with Distinction". I know I need to write a sterling admissions essay and I need to prove myself in the interview, but what else do I need to do? Harvard has been my dream since childhood. Please help...





  2. The only things you that are left for you to do are:

    a. Take the most challenging senior schedule available in your school, if possible all AP classes.

    b. Stand out - write an amazing essay, buy as many guides as you can afford from Barnes and Noble.

    c. Narrow down your interest, on you Application don't select everything, just the few that genuinely appeal to you.

    d. Good at something such as  music, art, dance, or a sport? Send a supplement to your application. Harvard has forms for this on there website.

    e. Keep your GPA high. If the 3.82 is your weighted GPA, its low for Harvard, but if that is unweighted you are in the right range! The Mid-year report is important so do not slack off!

    f. Your SAT score is flawless. Now take the 3 required SAT II subject test for Harvard. Score above 700. These scores are important but remember they are just bechmarks that need to be met before being considered by Harvard. If these benchmarks are met, then Harvard will continue to evaluate you as a person.

    g. Make sure your teachers write the best possible recommendations possible. Give the recommendations to teachers who know you on a personal level and can write a detailed analysis about you other than the ordinary hard worker, determined, intelligent -- most applying to Harvard are the aforemetioned.

    h. Hope for the best.

    P.S. Do not worry about your extra curricular activities -- they are easy to pad and hard to verify. Hence they are not nearly important as the admissions essay.

  3. May be this site can help you

  4. Your SAT scores seem very strong. GPA isnt everything. I'm sure you're laughing at me right now. I got into Berkeley with a 3.8 in my sophomore year. NHS really makes a difference-- definately go for it. =)

    Try doing something different from other people. Example, I've been ice skating for 12 years, so that made a difference on my resume. Is there a hobby or passion you've picked up for a long time?

  5. Harvard only accepted 6 percent of applicants last year, and they all had great grades and test scores and lots of extracurriculars.  They turned down hundreds of people with perfect SAT scores.  If you want a better-than-6 percent shot at Harvard, find some way to stand out.  What do you want to major in?  Find some way to get involved with what ever your major will be.  English?  Get something published.  Science?  Do original research.  Music?  Get a record deal.

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