
What do I need to do to prepare my new Yamaha Waverunner for use this summer?

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This is my first jet ski and I am looking for things that I will need to take care of. Legitmate answers are greatly appreciated.




  1. First off, congratulations for choosing a Yamaha Waverunner as your first ski.  Loads of fun!

    Always make sure your battery is fully charged, that you have a full tank of gas and a full tank of oil.  When taking it out of the water after use, its a good idea to dry start it just to push the water out so it won't sit inside the ski.  Also, if you beach it, make sure that where you beach it does not have rocks, or you could risk scratching the bottom of the ski.  You should take the ski to a local shop, at least once a year if not more, for a tune up.  Always make sure that you have the proper safety equipment on board, such as a whistle, life jacket, fire extinguisher, and tow rope.  I would also suggest that you buy a small paddle, so that in case it ever cuts off on you out in the water, you have a way to come to shore.

    Since it is a new ski, you shouldn't have much or any problems with it.

    Hope this helps.

  2. its simple make sure you have new gas in it umm also change the oil check the fule filters oil filets make sure the impler is in good shape a worn impeller will make for a bad day

    and then just the same stuff

    new battery make sure there is no corshion

    tags are good and marked look at the hulle for cracks or holes

    then have fun

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