
What do I need to do to stay signed in on my Yahoo? Every time I open my browser, I have to sign in again.?

by  |  earlier

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What do I need to do to stay signed in on my Yahoo? Every time I open my browser, I have to sign in again.?




  1. I'm having the same problem. It just started about 2 weeks ago. Even though I check the box to stay signed in for 2 weeks, each time I close my browser, Yahoo! make me sign in again.

  2. I want you to answer this question.  I have this problem.


  3. There is a box right under where you type in your password and it says something like "remember me." Just click on that and it will keep you signed in, but only for 2 weeks. The next time you sign in after the 2 weeks is up, you'll have to enter your password, but the box will already be marked so you'll be signed in for another 2 weeks.

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