
What do I need to gain a frozen ATPL?

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I am aware that I need a PPL, and CPL/IR. But what else? I have looked at various websites and am now confused!




  1. A "frozen ATPL" is just a CPL/IR where you don't have the hours requirements for a full ATPL. In other words, you don't have 1,500 TT, 500 hours multicrew plus all the other stuff. When you get these hours you can apply to the CAA to "unfreeze" it and then you will get awarded with your green book.

    If you are in the UK, see the "LASORS" publication on the CAA website.

  2. you need atpl theory, cpl/ir and mcc

    you dont need a ppl a cpl out classes that

  3. Try

    They've got all the information you'll need on studying for your ATPL(F).

    Your best bet would be to enrol on an 18-month course, and let them teach you the entire thing. You could do each Certificate separately (PPL, CPL...), but that takes longer and you don't learn as much.

    If you've got the fiance in place, request a brochure from Oxford Aviation (via the Website).

  4. have you got a freezer?

  5. You'll need passes in all the ATPL theory subjects, too - I'm not sure which country you're in, but here in Australia, there are seven subjects - and all have to be passed within a 3 year bracket.

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