
What do I need to get my learner's permit and driver's license in WV?

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I live in Ohio on the border right next to West Virginia, and I want to get my driver's license soon. I'm 17 and I've had my learner's permit in Ohio for 2 years, but I can't get my driver's license because driver's education is required and I can't afford it (nor can I take it at school, I'm homeschooled).

I moved to WV a few months ago, and I want to try getting my driver's license here because driver's ed is optional. What would I need to get my learner's permit and driver's license? Would I need proof of residence, because right now I don't have anything to prove I life here. Thank you!




  1. OK. Here's what you need: 1. State certified birth certificate. 2. Social Security card. 3. School enrollment form. Since you're home schooled, you'll need to go to the board of education and get one. They have a form for you to fill out and bring to the DMV. You'll need your parents there too. They need to sign for you. The DMV # is 304-926-1894. You'll want to call and confirm that's all you need.

  2. do you go to school there,take your birth certificate to the b.m.v. and get a state i.d.. then you have state proof you are a resident get a job in town and take your ck stub,

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