
What do I need to know, going into high school?

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I'm starting high school in about a week. It's not the social part I'm afraid of, because I'm pretty sure I can make friends and get along with people and stuff. But I still feel unprepared. Does anyone have tips of what to expect, with classes and the way things are done in high school compared to pre-secondary school?




  1. It's not that bad, as long as you try your best and have a good attitude about new things.

    Just be willing to be a little out of your comfort zone at the beginning but it won't be much harder than classes you've had before, you should just be going into the next level of classes you've tested in for.

    Do your homework AND turn it in on time.

    Keep your gpa up at all times, otherwise later it's harder to get into schools.

    Be active in your school.

    Try new things!

    If something is ever hard for you in a class you should always ask for help either right away or jot it down and see the teacher after class. They're usually always happy to give you one on one help.

    other than that.. not much else you'll have trouble with. Just have fun!

  2. going into high is easy its bigger but better you will see finding lessons is easy cos you can write them all down and it will be easy by the end of year you will no your timetable of by heart if you get lost the older people will tell you were to go. Its easy.     Stay with your freinds aswel. It helps

  3. The most important thing is doing all over your homework and paying attention. If you dont do those two things then you can fall behind majorly. At the begining of my freshman year i slacked off and got terrible grades. i finally started getting good grades but then we did a bunch of reviews from the begining of the year and i never payed attention the first time we went over those so i fell back behind and it sucked. Im going into 10th grade now. You will have more home work and it might be a bit harder but just get a routine like come home eat a snack do half your homework take a break and do the other half. do it the same everyday and it will become easier. i hope i helped at least a little. Good Luck with highschool :]

  4. I'm a junior in high school and depending on what school you are going to, high school is a lot bigger and more crowded... you also have to do a lot more to get good attention from harder and get good grades...because you NEED teachers to be on your good side because they are the ones who write recommendations for college. Use the first week of school to make friends, talk to the people who sit next to you in classes because most people don't know each other and its easier to make friends that way... remember that most everyone in nervous and excited so don't be afraid to show it.. also don't rely on others to start conversations because they usually don't... just remember to make friends during the first few weeks because once the first month passes its harder because everyone knows each other by then..and the worst part it so become a freshman outcast..harsh reality...but trust will be fine and you will love high school its a great opportunity and take full advantage of it! good luck!!!

  5. Do all of your homework for your classes, it's the little things that add up in the end. And obviously study and take good notes, it makes a difference, coming from my personal experiences of slacking off. Join extracurriculars, clubs and sports, be active. It'll be worth it later when you start applying for colleges. Good luck =)

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