
What do I need to know about being a city council person?

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I am in the preliminary stage of running for city council person in my district in November. I'm now getting the 150 petition signatures I need and filling out the application in the candidate's packet that I have to turn in by June 10th and all of that wonderful stuff. This is my first time running for public office, however I have future aspirations to become a state legislator. I need advise on what to do and maybe more importantly what not to do.




  1. Ms. E,

    I am going to answer your question, then I have to hit the sack.  I wish your husband protection from seen and unseen dangers and his safe return.  You seem to have dreams that could become big if you so desire.  If you are for the right thing, our people need someone like you. If you are doing it for a pay check they don't need someone like you.  This leads me to my first point.  You need to contact your political party and make them aware of your intentions to run for the seat.  Ask them for their backing. They will come back at you and want to know, why are you running for Council?  

    You need a motivating reason that others can buy into, it doesn't have to be complicated, it could be simple. I remember this past election a woman was running for school board and her campaign slogan was Carole Cares.  The assumption could be made that she cares for the right thing, you feel in the blank. Then she had to expand on this phrase by filling in the dots, Why does Carole Care? What does Carole care strongly about? How will Carole make a difference and when?!  How? And with what?!  These questons fully answered become a rationale as to why you should be taken seriously as a candidate and represent your respective party. By the way the word "How" wasn't a typo, you will find that people are hard of hearing how you plan to do something.  I hope I don't sound to facitious, but before it is said and done with you will dream you are answering how, sit up in the bed with a cold sweat, then ask yourself, now How the h**l am I going to go back to sleep!  

    It might be necessary for you to take out an equity loan, for instance, to jump start your campaign and ask for Party funds to match your funds.  Who is your treasurer? Get a good one, because if you come close to winning, everybody and their cousin is going to be in your books to make sure everything is tight. Your opponent may even sue you, for the sake of press to look as if you have done something wrong.  So, you need a very good Treasurer should your campaign have to go to Court and an ethical Fundraiser.  

    The Party has the district lines, maybe in your city you are at-large, nevertheless they have the voting patterns for the electorate. You need to understand those numbers and what they mean. Some college student who lives and breathes this is bound to be found at the party.  They will more than gladly explain the numbers for a pizza.  

    You must define your campaign and you must define yourself.  For instance, you may be for Health, Housing and Human Services.  As a candidate you can tell the electorate to vote for me because I am for bread on your table, a roof over your head and wellness in our families.  I am fed up with diabetes, I am tired of hyper-blood pressure, heart attacks and everything being wrong with the working class.  I am here to make a prioirty for as long as I have breath, to make these issues known to every hill and mole hill, every state and every city and every mountain side; let freedom ring from the snow capped Rockies of Colorado, into the heightening 'Alleghennies of Pennsylvania.......well I got carried away but you know what I mean. You have to find a way to etch into the public psyche what you stand for, but more importantly what you will fight for.  

    Tell a compelling story and tell it well.  If you do not have a compelling story that has moved you to action. I would suggest that you not run for office.  This is absolutely necessary.  In relation, become a specialist on the issues that you have defined yourself with.  Watch the news, read the paper and hang out with people who know more than you.  Politicians get so intimidated because someone disagrees with them in their own camp.  This is wrong headed. And remember this, what goes around comes around in a public forum sooner and faster in politics.  The principles you reap what you sow, still applies.  

    Take small steps manage the small steps and grow the business of the campaign.  Meet elected offcials and find out who will become a Mentor, mind you your own folks will be the first to do the nasty.  So, be an equal opportunity seeker of a Mentor(s). What then is your vision?  People want to see the vision.  Work on your vocabulary so that your language is formidible on the Statehouse steps, in the Church, in a hearing or in your office.  The bottomline is this; if you can't see it, neither will anyone else for much longer.  If you tell you it can't be done, then everyone will agree with you.  Lastly, never argue with a fool, because people can't tell which is the fool.  And never argue with the man/woman who controls the ink.  They are always right.  I hope this helps. People need leadership, and your husband is making a sacrifice serving his country, I think you need to think long and hard, if your sacrifice to attain a position in public service makes sense for the family. A whole lot will be going out at the sametime, but not as much may be coming in.  You have to be the judge of that.  Timing is everything, make sure this is your time, not merely a good idea. When you seek public service, the very people whose life you are trying to impact, will leave you in tears. Be careful. I wish you the best. Good Night....Sleep tight, don't let

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