
What do I need to know about bodyboarding for beginner?

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What do I need to know about bodyboarding for beginner?




  1. As a beginner bodyboarder, you'll need to get use to the waves first. If you havn't already, go out to the surf and just swim around, and try and get use to body surfing (letting the wave take you forward with is motion). Once you are use to the motion of the waves and how they break etc, take your body board out to the shories and catch the smaller waves. (No need for flippers as a beginner). When you see a wave coming, try and have your torso on the board with enough room for you legs to move freely when kicking, as the wave approaches, kick with all your might, if your in the right place when the wave starts breaking, you and the board will lurch forward with substantial speed. Try and get use to this first before attempting bigger waves and tricks.

    Good luck.

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