
What do I need to know about computers?...please help!?

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I am going to college in less than a week and I still need to go computer shopping. the thing is I am not really a computer person and I am not sure what I need, and don't want to get suckered into paying a lot for something I don't need, or not getting something I need. any help would be appreciated.




  1. emachins r very nice and there cheap  

  2. Something with at least a 512 cache, 100 gig hard drive, dvd drive, wireless card, and try to get a complete package... CPU, monitor, and printer.

  3. If you are not taking any computer classes such as photoshop or something similiar, then a lower end machine will do fine. Make sure it is dual core vista premium edition and has at least 2gb of Ram and at least a 250gb hard drive.. Check prices at

  4. You indicated you were going to college.  Here is some considerations to think about as recommended by a college for new attendees:

    Before deciding on a computer, familiarize yourself with your school’s computer policies. Very few schools require that a specific model be purchased, but most have a general set of requirements you’ll want to make sure you know. Commonly, these are simply recommendations and aren’t particularly demanding. Sticking to the guidelines may make getting help from the school’s help desk easier.

    One of your first considerations will be whether to buy a laptop or a desktop. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Which is better will depend on the needs and preferences of the user.



    Best value: Generally has more speed, memory, and storage for a lower price.

    Difficult to steal.

    Lower probability of failure (comparable quality machine vs. notebook)

    Relatively easy to expand or modify as needs change.

    Less costly expansion products


    Is awkward to move back and forth to school

    Takes up valuable space in a cramped dorm room

    Can’t be carried to library or classes.

    Difficult to ship if repair/replacement is needed.



    Easy to transport

    Takes up little space

    Can be carried to class or library for note-taking, studying, etc.

    Easy access to college wireless services in many locations on campus (with proper equipment and campus wireless network)

    Can be brought home during weekend or holiday visits

    Can easily be shipped to manufacturer or taken to dealer for service


    More easily stolen

    More easily dropped or broken

    Somewhat prone to failure compared to stationary desktop computers of comparable quality

    More expensive for comparable speed and capacity

    Limited expansion and add-on capabilities

    Now that you’ve decided between a laptop and desktop, you’ll need to decide what operating system you want to use. You will need to choose between a Mac and PC. The term “PC” is typically used to describe DOS-based computer systems that run most personal computers. A Mac has its own system. Some colleges or departments recommend one or the other. If yours doesn’t, it’s entirely up to you. PCs are most common.

    Choosing the features of your computer is most important. Some things to pay attention to are:

    Processor: Faster is always better (especially if you have a fondness for games and videos) The minimum recommended is 800 MHz, although some colleges set the standard higher.

    RAM (random access memory): The general recommendation is 512 megabytes for most students. Engineering and graphic design students will need more. Get as much memory as you can afford.

    Hard drive: More is better. Look for at least 80 gigabytes.

    Monitor: Bigger is usually better, although a big screen can weigh down a laptop. Get at least a 15-inch monitor.

    Operating software: Windows XP Professional appears to be the system of choice for PC users, while Macintosh OS X is preferred for Apple users.

    Other recommended features: Modem, CD-ROM or DVD drive (read/write is best), graphics card, sound card and speakers, and wireless network card.

    An ink-jet printer is highly recommended. For laptops, a locking security cable is a great idea. A padded case or backpack adds additional protection for laptops. Remember to bring any cables or power cords you may need. Check the specs of your school’s network so you will know what type of network cable to bring. It’s a good idea to bring one with you – this is a commonly overlooked item and may not be readily available if your college is located in a small community. In college dorm living, the outlets will probably be in an inconvenient place. It’s a good idea to bring a heavy-duty surge suppressor/expansion strip with at least six outlets to plug your computer and peripherals into.

    Colleges are huge networks with lots of file sharing going on and e-mail being sent. Because of this, virus protection is essential. Install and test a virus protection program before coming to college. Contact computing services at your school to see what virus protection they require. Some schools provide their own software at no charge.

    Once a computer is part of a network, it is exposed to numerous risks – hackers, spyware, etc. A personal firewall is highly recommended to safeguard your privacy. Again, check with your school for their requirements and/or recommendations.

    Many hardware and software manufactures give discounts to college students. You may find discounts from 5% to 15% on new computers. Check with your campus bookstore for more information. Educational discounts on software are available, too. Software discounts to students are very significant, sometimes resulting in a savings of 66% or more. Before buying any retail software, look for an educational version of the same product. You may be able to save a bunch of money.

  5. That's like asking what books you'll need.

    Go to college.  Talk to your teachers.  Talk to other students.  Different courses will give you different needs.  You won't flunk out if you don't have a computer for the first week.  (And you can probably buy one from one of the major computer retailers without driving too far from the school.)

    But you'll kick yourself if you buy a computer on the best advice now - and find, after you get to school, that you could have gotten one much better suited to your needs for the same price.

  6. just get anything that's toshiba  

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