
What do I need to know about studying abroad in Arezzo and/or being in Italy as a foreign student for 5 mo.?

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I am studying abroad in Arezzo, Italy at Uni. Siena @ Arezzo in Spring 2009. The semester runs February-June and I have a few questions:

1 - What are the normal temperatures February-Spring in Arezzo.

2 - What is there to do on a regular basis in the town?

3 - How long is the train ride to Florence?

4 - Is Arezzo an expensive place to live compared to the rest of Italia?

5 - Are there many English speakers in Arezzo?

6 - Any other information regarding daily life in Arezzo or information regarding exchange studying at the university would be helpful.

I will be studying through my university's exchange program (Univ. of Oklahoma).




  1. You can easily look up the climate there!

    Watch out for pit pockets, and make sure you know enough of the language to find your way around incase you get lost.

    DON'T LOSE YOUR PASSPORT, it happened to me in Japan and let me tell you, IT'S VERY STRESSFUL TO GET A NEW ONE!!

    Have fun you lucky ducky!

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