
What do I need to major in if I want to become an elementary school teacher?

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I've been thinking of becoming a teacher or a nurse. I'm really interested in both fields. I was just wondering if I could major in whatever it is that nurses major in and if I wanted to try something new, could I still become a teacher? I want to be a teacher in Texas. Thanks for your answers. Details greatly appreciated.




  1. To be a teacher, you need a BA degree. If you want to teach a specific subject you should major in that subject. Then, you need to get certified through the state you want to teach at. This usually requires a teaching prep program (has all the teaching classes, interning, field work, etc) to be done either while or after your BA degree (I did mine at the same time). After the prep program you will take a standardized test to make sure you are a competent teacher, and then you get certified.

    You should really get a feel for both professions before you decide because teaching and nursing are very different jobs, even though they have some similarities.

  2. some states offer alternative certification programs, so if you become a nurse first it's possible you could still get teacher certification through alternative methods.  it depends on what your state's requirements are to be certified as a highly qualified teacher as defined by the no child left behind laws

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