
What do I need to marry my Tunisian boyfriend?

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What legal documents will I need to marry my boyfriend in Tunisia?




  1. If you want to marry in Tunisia, here are the basics that you need:

    1. Certificate of no impediment to marriage. To get this -

    * You must be 18 years of age or have the written consent of your father (or other person whose consent is required by the law)

    * You must have resided at least 21 clear days in Tunisia

    * Show evidence that any previous marriage has ended (spouse’s death certificate or divorce decree)

    *Give notice of your intended marriage, by calling in person at the Consular Section and signing appropriate forms.

    The consular officer taking this notice will post it on the public notice board for a further 21 clear days. If no objection is raised during the publication of the notice, the certificate of no-impediment, in French, can be issued.

    OR You can give notice of marriage at a registry office (or British consulate) in another place (the UK) where you are resident, and present to the Consular officer of this embassy the resultant statement after its 21 days posting there. The certificate of no-impediment in French will then be issued with no further waiting.

    2. Birth certificate

    *It should be a ‘full’ extract not the shortened form which omits parents’ details etc, and should be of recent issue.

    3. Medical certificate

    *It must be recent and issued by a Tunisia medical practitioner. It involves a blood test (testing for transmissible diseases).

    4. Father‘s consent

    *If you are under 20. The marriage officer at the Town Hall where the ceremony is to take place can tell you what form this consent should take.

    5. Certificate of divorce decree or death of previous spouse, if applicable.

    *A divorced woman cannot re-marry until a period of three months has lapsed since her divorce, a widow until four months and 10 days after the death of her spouse.

    All documents must be translated into French or Arabic. They can be translated into French by the UK Consular Section.

    Here is the contact information for the British Embassy in Tunisia

    British Embassy Tunis

    Rue du Lac Windermere

    Les Berges du Lac

    1053 Tunis



    FAX: Consular Section: +



    Good luck, and if I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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