
What do I need to open up a Techno Club?

by  |  earlier

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I have a problem. My cousin and I have a techno club lined up in our sights. We have the building in the process of being built. I've got the booze, employees, music, furniture, and utilities down. What I'm asking is there anything that I might be missing? PS) Always looking for more great rave and techno music.




  1. First, what do people do at raves?  Drugs, Thats the only reason Techno "music" was invented.

  2. Get someone to watch the door you want this to look good. People always want what they cant have so have the bouncer turn some away. No one under 21 ofcourse and advertise. Make the club modern looking inside because that apeals to many and it will keep the flow of people commin in. make sure the lights suite the music so you might need someone to manage that. Make sure you get a well known dj once in a while and have one thats a house regular. also make sure its cooled properly so people dont sweat too much.  

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