
What do I need to play the Star Wars Role Playing Game?

by Guest65447  |  earlier

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I'm looking to purchase the Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition rulebook; aside from the dice, pencils, and paper, will I need to make any additional purchases in order to play a full game?




  1. That's it!  I've been playing the SWRPG for years, and with the new release of Saga Edition, you've chosen a great time to get involved.

    I should revise my answer to say that you WILL need one or more friends to play with, but that shouldn't be too hard.  If you're having trouble organizing a group of friends, look for message board-based roleplaying groups online.  I'm a moderator over at SWRPGNetwork's HoloNet forums (, and I highly suggest visiting.  It's one of the most mature online communities I know of, and the site has a TON of fan-made material, as well as a seperate forum devoted to message board-based gaming!

    I hope to see you there and may the Force be with you!

  2. I think that will get you started.  If you want to get expansions then they will be available but they are optional.

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