
What do I need to replace stock audio system on a car?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to add a sound system to my car. I was wondering what do I need? Amps, Speakers, and sub woofers? (Would I need subwoofers if I listen to Rock music - not sure if that would make a difference..?)





  1. ok this all depends on how loud you want your music, if you want a moderate system you can use the head unit power to run two front speakers or 4 (2 front 2 rear) but you wont be able to crank it too much because head unit power is weak,  i listen to rock also, and i like it when i can turn it up loud and clear when i want to, so that is when the amps would come into play, one 4 channel amp for the speakers, and i would recommend at least one subwoofer to add some realism to the bass drum, that would mean a subwoofer amp and sub, rock sometimes tends to get a little distorted so i would recommend an Equalizer to fix some of the midrange if the head unit does not have an adequate one,,,,hope this helps

  2. Need to know what kind of car, But you can go to, and they will give you an idea of what you will need

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