
What do I need to save my files under in order to add them to my site using Filezilla?

by  |  earlier

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I am new when it comes to adding files to my website. I am using Zymic. I was also wondering if I need to type out my coding on a program.




  1. It’s not as difficult as it may seem.  If you can establish an FTP connection with your hosting server, then you just upload the files into the same directories they’re in on your local computer.

    For instance, typically, when designing on my home computer, I have my web pages in the root folder (called whatever), and then I have folders within there, such as “scripts”, “stylesheets”, “images”, etc.  You don’t need to do this, but it keeps it all tidy.  My links are all relative (e.g., an image src might be “images/firstPic.jpg” instead of “http://[mysite]/images/firstPic.jpg” – this way, it works no matter where the page is, either on my home PC or the remote server, as long as that picture is in that folder, starting from the root).

    When you go to upload them, like I said, just make sure everything is still in the same directory structure, and you should be fine.

    As far as coding, if you don’t know HTML/CSS/Javascript, I’d check this site out:

    Great tutorials for all sorts of web programming.

    In any case, you don’t need a special program to code.  I typically use notepad, but if I want a WYSIWYG editor, I’ll use Kompozer (free) or Dreamweaver ($$$$$).

    Good luck!

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