
What do I need to shoot to play college golf?

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I am 15 and i shoot around 38-42 every time I play 9. I shoot in the low 80s when I play 18. I am a 9.6 handicap and play on the varsity team at my school. I have 4 years to get better, but what should I be shooting right now so that I can play college golf, whether it be division 1, 2, or 3?




  1. It really is not about what you shoot, but how you play.  If you manage the course well, make good shots and are able to have a chance for par / birdie on most holes, then you can start submitting tapes to colleges,  someone even div 1 will pick you up and they can transform your game to a scratch golfer with their instuction.

  2. by your age I would say that a nine handicap is pretty good but at my middle school an eighth grader has a 3.2 handicap so you won't make d1 unless you get your handicap down to 1 or maybe negatives. I'm sure that anything under a 5 would get you on a d3 or maybe even a d2

  3. I pretty much agree with all the suggestions above. I can give a suggestion that helped me almost win my local courses championship. About five years ago my dad bought some of those new CO2 pressurized practice balls called almostGolf balls. Dave Pelz is behind them. They fly about 60 yards with an 8 iron, you can shape them and work them, but they don't break windows or dent cars. Pretty amazing.

    The first day I got them I spent all day hitting shots around the yard, over the house and around the neighborhood. Pretty quickly I was spending about 30-60 minutes a day just working on my short game and touch with these balls by hitting into buckets, going for light posts and generally creating my own course around the neighborhood.

    I found that just 'shooting free throws' around the neighborhood when I had free time made a huge difference in helping me develop an effortless swing because prior to that, I was chained to a golf course or range and I could never get below 80 because I could never put in the short game time. I recommend the almostGolf ball highly.

  4. Honestly, you really need to be shooting scratch or better if you want to get on a college team.  


    div 1 -   <0

    div 2 -   <3

    div 3 -   <5

    However college teams don't look at your handicap, they look at your tournament experience.  So, do well in some tournaments and you have a good shot at making a college team.

  5. hey dude! Wassup! I am a golfer to and am shooting everywhere from 34 to about 42. I am 14 years old! I would say if you want to get a big scholarship to a big collage u better be shooting in the 60's. To become a pro at a easy golfcourse, u beter be shooting in the low 50's and be consistent. I hope this helped u! Keep golfing and i hope for the best in the future!

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