
What do I need to start playing airsoft?

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I already know a place near my house that does paintball and airsoft, and I have a good G&G M16, what should I buy to be able to start playing? should I buy more than 5000 BBs at a time? any advice on were to get those things would also be much appreciated, thanks!




  1. well i think that both games are awesome dude and u can buy the bb's @ either games craft or the mall that has the cool game items there. sorry forgot which mall and where the games craft place is. well have fun and ihope this helped out for u. bye

  2. yes

  3. Some BDUs would be good if you're playing outdoors, extra magazines (3 r 4 mid-caps, or 1 high-cap...wouldn't recommend high-caps though, too finicky and loud), a few pouches for the mags and other equipment. A secondary weapon (pistol, mp5k, etc) would be nice in case something happens to your M16, but it's not necessary.

    As stated before, you should really get some goggles or a face mask. I doubt they would even let you play without one.


  4. airsofting is dumb if your gonna get into something like that join a paintball league instead. airsoft guns dont hurt and only nerdy kids play with them

  5. Get some good Full seal goggles to start, that is if u don't have some already. If you don't i would recommend Arena Flakjacks, which can be bought off ebay for about 20.00 shipped. Depending on your gun i would say 5000 is good enough for an M16. Also id have a pistol for back up, just for the worst case scenario. Also a mask might be nice so you dont lose any teeth.

  6. get a mask. and 2 extra tanks of pellets. maybe a handgun w. a few magazines for backup

  7. I would say 2 airsoft guns just in case one breaks or you want to play with a friend and they do hurt if your really close I think and you dont use bb's you use pellet things for airsoft guns

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