
What do I need to start teaching Business classes?

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I have my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and I would love to get into teaching. I have always had a passion for teaching others and would love to use my degree to get into that. Do I need credentials to get into teaching business or what options do I have without having to go through the credential process? It doesn't need to be formal classes, just a way that I can help others.




  1. There aren't a lot of high schools which offer marketing classes, I'm afraid.  Accounting and Economics are pretty common, but not Marketing.  If you were to get an MBA you could teach part time at a community college, but probably not until you had a few years of professional experience as well, since Marketing is a particularly professional subject matter and you would lack credibility unless you had done it for a living.

    If you really want to do this full time, you might think about going on for a Ph.D.  You would probably be expected to do research, not just teaching, but there are great opportunities right now for marketing professors.  

  2. since i am in a different country (suadi arabia) i don't know about your country's regulations...but i can share with you about the ideas of teaching:

    1. you said u liked teaching and this is the key of success.

    2. when you get the start you have to know that teaching is not an easy task so don't thing that your future students will be smart enough to know the matter you are dealing with just as much as you do.

    3. always check their information and don't ask them if they understand or not.

    4. give them more case-studies.

    5. ask them to notice what you are teaching in thier jobs if they got ones or give them assingments to give you back in any real business as vulanteers.

    5. never betray your students by forgetting about their assingments corrections and feedback.

    6. learn how to deal with frustrated students by taking at least one course in any private institute.  

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