
What do I need to study to be a holiday rep?

by Guest56654  |  earlier

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What to I need to study in college or do you get trained somewhere else?




  1. I think they study high pressure selling, rudeness and patronising behaviour. Don't think you need to go to college, most companies provide their own training.


    visit this site

    also just google how to become a holiday rep

  3. The qualifications you’ll need depend on what kind of position you are seeking. Most reps need to be at least 18 and some positions require you to be 21. Formal qualifications aren’t generally required though good GCSE grades and a qualification in Travel and Tourism will always be an asset. Also, you aren’t required to speak a different language though obviously it’s good if you can. Basically, all you need is to be fun, outgoing and available to work abroad. Children’s reps require a police check, which is obtained by the company on your behalf.

    The best time to apply to become a rep is November/December for the following year. However, there are always people who drop out so applying later can’t hurt. There are several ways to seek employment as a holiday rep. National newspapers, magazines and travel agencies often have positions advertised. One of the most amazing sources of information we have is the Internet. Start by looking on Click here >> to look for repping jobs. Just don’t do what I did: I looked up the Haven Holidays web page and got the address of every single site they have. Then I sent a letter to every one! Stupid me didn’t realise that the recruitment was all handled at the Head Office so the parks all forwarded their letters to there. Head Office ended up receiving 39 letters, all from me!

    Once you’ve sent a few letters, you’re likely to receive an application form. Make sure you read through it before writing anything. The amount of times people send back application forms written in red ink and normal handwriting when the form states to use black ink and block capitals is amazing. Just reading the form will put you above the people who don’t bother. Sending in your CV with your form will make it stand out as different (especially if you’ve travelled before). Send a covering letter that explains who you are and why you think this job would suit you.

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