
What do I need to sue a spammer?

by  |  earlier

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I want to take this company to small claims court for sending out spam, right now I just have the company's phone number, when I call them what information do I need beside what's listed below?

company name, address, postal code




  1. Go talk to a lawyer, you're in for a helluva ride ;)

  2. sue sue sue sue sue sue sue

    That's almost all I see on these questions.....what someone needs to sue someone else, or are they able to sue due to this.....blah blah blah

    I think people waste more time trying to gain money from others when they could use that time to think of ways to prevent the same things from happening again to themselves or other people.  Most don't know how to avoid a problem, they feed into it instead.

  3. first of all, you need the proof that the company is spamming like screenshots, things like that

  4. goo luck

    what did they do that was illegal?

    Sending unsol. email is not illegal.

    Just block them,

    What would you sue for?  Do you have actual monetary damages?

  5. you can only sue forr harassment if it's been more than 3 phone calls or more than 3 e-mails.....get a lawyer or go to a police station to file a claim

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