
What do I need to take to a festival? ?

by Guest62206  |  earlier

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I don't have my ticket yet, but what do I need to take to a festival. I'm normally more organised, but I've been run off my feet this season.




  1. A good hotel room.  Mud is for hippies.

  2. wellington boots

    waterproof poncho...........u can wear it or sit on it

    if your a girl get a nappy bucket with a lid so if u need the loo in the night u dont have to leave the tent

  3. take the bare minimal, if you are going to Leeds festival especially, this is what i take each year.

    never take a suitcase, people will laugh at you, you really dont need that much stuff

    pair of night clothes - night time incase it rains

    pair of day clothes - for the day incase it does rain

    tent - duh

    torch - very very handy

    socks, boxers - dont need that many pairs but just enough

    pasta pack things - easy to make and quick

    water carrier - saves you trekking each time you want some water

    gas cooker - just a small one

    snacks - you always get the munchies

    camp chair - if you really want a dry ***

    beer - if you are bringing spirits you will have to put them in a plastic bottle since glass is not allowed in to the camping area

    toilet roll - but soon as you see the toilets you will think twice

    thats the basics, if you think of anything you will need take it but remember, your carrying it.

    dont bother taking condoms, would you wanna s***w someone who hasn't washed properly in days?

  4. a double cheese burger, a compass, a map, a hard hat, a bunny rabbit, a pair of shoes, a cup, matches, a tent and thats about it

  5. toilet paper

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