
What do I need when I go to the hospital to have my baby so I'm prepared?

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What do I need when I go to the hospital to have my baby so I'm prepared?




  1. You can go to the website of your hospital and to the labor and delivery part. They will give you a list of what to bring and a list of what they provide for you and your baby.

  2. There are tons of cool websites that provide lists of what to pack or even sell pre-made kits (they're a little expensive for my taste).  What I found essential is whatever you need to labor comfortably.  If you are planning a natural labor, you'll want a birthing ball, lotions or oils for massage and an iPod loaded with music that you love.  To handle the stay in the hospital I had to have some of my own pillows and very loose, comfortable clothes.  If you plan on nursing, I would get some nursing tops or nursing pajamas.  The other things that are not essential but that I loved were Sudoku puzzles, word puzzles, magazines and some of my favorite snacks.  Good Luck.

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