
What do I put on job application if arrested but awaiting trial?

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I was recently arrested, and am awaiting my arraignment, trial, etc. I need to find a job. When they ask if I have ever been arrested or convicted, (on the job applications) must i put yes and explain? Also, I have an application going through with the department of education, will they find out my arrest? I applied with them several weeks before I was arrested and fingerprinted and mugshot and humiliated. (Charge: Abuse of Family Member). Thanks.




  1. I would be tempted to ask the interviewer if he has ever been convicted, but the best thing to do is to lie.  If you lie no one will know.  If you tell the truth there is a chance that you may be penalized for your honesty.  It's non of their dam business anyway.

  2. Put whatever you want.

    Anything but the truth will come back to haunt you.

    And, you won't be hired by most places as long as you have a pending charge against you.

    The Dept of Education won't hire you with it pending or upon conviction.

  3. I would just not mention it. All they can do is fire you if they find out and there is a pretty good chance they won't even do that.

    Do you think someone is really going to press charges against you for trying to be gainfully and legally employed?

  4. Arrested but not convicted. Put "Will explain during interview." That will at least get your foot in the door.

  5. Asking if you've ever been arrested is a violation of your constitutional rights because you have a right to the presumption of innocence and a right to privacy.  

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